Rudeboy - Reason With Me - The Video Of The Year... What It Means For Africans

Late last year, the list of the most African video viewed on YouTube was released.

Surprisingly, the video that most would have considered as the 'style of the past' dominates.

A single-handedly made album, Reason with me, by Rudeboy.

In a world where lack of values - lavish spending, extravagant lifestyle, fake lives on social media platforms, is considered as the norm.

A song with jazz-free, no bum shaking but wisdom-packed, regardless, extremely thrive. And top the list.

Just includes pure values and moral lessons.

With a result like this, it demonstrates that Africans, despite being influenced by vanity lifestyle, choose the right values.

What are these values? They are;

#1 Hard Work

In the video, Rudeboy, the main character, was extremely poor that he lives in an unfurnished room.

Additionally, he couldn't get his wife what she wants.

However, he keeps on working hard. Believing that if he didn't have at the moment, he would surely have money in abundantly in the future.

In Africa, the number of divorces is becoming alarming. And one reason is on the part of the man as he's impoverished or broke.

More and more ladies are now after a luxurious lifestyle, shunning hardworking men in favour of rich, but lazy men.

In the end, another lady who prioritized hard work stays with him and together, they built one of the best furniture firms.

And end up being prosperous.

#2 Patience

Another value that that couldn't be ignored is patience.

It's true that the transition from your difficult today to your blossom days require enough patience.

In the video, his first spouse couldn't see beyond the present and can't patiently wait to see the end with his husband.

In contrast, the second lady recognised the hard work and patiently support Rudeboy to witness the better days... And she did.

It's believed that, as the world is, most African men don't value hard work while ladies had lost patience.

However, this music contrasts that belief and shows deeply inside us, we know the value of the right virtues.

But the patience to imbibe and practise those values maybe what we lack.

Are there any more values you thought were demonstrated in the video? Please use the comment section to add it.

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